What is Marketing? A very short introduction for Home Workers

Marketing is all about generating a "market" for a product or service. Of course, I know that in real life things are always easier said than done. 

So what are the critical components of marketing?

4 Key Components of Marketing

  1. Identifying your target marketplace, audience or tribe.
  2. Understanding the wants and needs of your target marketplace, audience or tribe.
  3. Creating and planning and then executing a plan that creates relevant offerings, messages and appeals that suit the target audience.
  4. Engaging with customers to form a brand image and awareness in your target marketplace mind and building this relationship to the point a sale is made.

These four steps are significant as they form a mesh that creates effective marketing campaigns.

Example for Home Workers

Examples are always helpful. Below is a model for a one-person copywriting agency.

Step 1: Identify the target Marketplace.

The Copywriting Agency decided to focus on Accountancy and Finance writing with businesses in London. So the target audience is going to be executives and managers at firms, who need extra help writing blog posts and other digital media.

Step 2: Understanding the needs of the audience

The copywriting agency has essentially three segments to understand.

Who needs their services, why they buy the services, and how they want those services delivered.

Step 3: Creating and Executing a Plan

This is one of the more difficult steps as it requires messages to be crafted, plans to be made and action to be taken. But mostly, it is what letter, to whom, how often and in what medium.

So Monthly marketing campaign may include

  • Weekly video on pain points to be shared via social media.
  • Monthly mailshot hiring managers
  • £xxx spend per day on Facebook adverts that draw in clients to the agency's weekly newsletter

Step 4: Engaging Customers to build the relationship.

This is the bit of the marketing when it goes from being about messages to a constant process of email marketing, social media advertising, personal contact, direct mail, print adverts and public relations to build a brand, and ultimately create sales. Mostly it is doing step three each week and month until the messages become a brand in decision-maker's minds.

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