About Me and My Quest

Photo by Fas Khan on Unsplash

My Mission: The business of life starts at home.

Home Working Henry exists to build a community around home working, remote working and entrepreneurship.

This is my Mission: 

  • Create great content that helps people find jobs working from home.
  • Build a community that shares our beliefs and spreads our values.
  • Highlight issues around housing that damage communities, businesses and the economy.
  • Help our community launch businesses and live a life that thrives.

My Beliefs

Choosing how and when we work improves work-life balance, integration, and family life and brings people back to communities.

Homeworking employees are productive and engaged and benefit both businesses and local communities.

Housing is a fundamental human right and an entire generation across the English-speaking world has been let down.

Entrepreneurship is a fantastic avenue to gain work-life independence.

About Me

My name is Joseph Henry and I am the founder of Home Working Henry. A blog and business focused on delivering on our mission and completing my quests.

My career has spanned politics, recruitment, insurance and retail. Originally from southern England near London I now live in one of the world's greatest places the region of Galloway in Scotland.

My Quest & Side Quests

My main quest is of course raising and providing for my family.

My main professional Quest is building a business that provides home and remote workers with the content and tools they need to make working from home a success.

I, however, have a range of side quests that I have set myself that I would like to complete. 

Why have I set myself missions and questions?

Well, this is to ensure that I am working towards my goals and not just working. What I am going to do is each month write an update post as I complete a side quest. This way, on an ad-hoc basis I will

Main Quest

Build Home Working Henry into a business that helps people work from home either as business owners or employees.

Side Quests

Like a Wizard in a game of Dungeons and Dragons, I have been presented with a range of side quests by the game master. I have initially limited it to 5 per category, however, I am going to add in more as I see fit over time.

Travel Quests

  • Go Inter-railing across Europe visiting Paris, Rome, Vienna, Berlin and Amsterdam.
  • Visit Japan again (with my family this time).
  • Tour around Scotland - specifically visit Glasgow, Edinburgh and the Highlands.
  • Hike Hadrian's Wall from coast to coast
  • Show my son my home town and the towns I went to University in.
Business Side Quests
  • Gain 1,000 Email subscribers
  • Gain 1,000 Instagram followers
  • Gain 1,000 YouTube subscribers
  • Gain 1,000 TikTok followers
  • Gain 1,000 Twitter followers
  • Gain 1,000 Linked In Newsletter subscribers
Writing and Publishing
  • Write 10 Kindle Books on or around my professional expertise (currently at 6)
  • Write a book on Roman History
  • Write a book on the Great War
  • Write a book relating to Scottish History
  • Compete in a Warhammer tournament at Warhammer World.
  • Paint a full Warhammer army from start to finish within 365 days.
  • Read the entire Horus Heresy Series of Books.
  • Read one book a week for 12 weeks straight. 
  • Visit Warhammer World as a tourist.

Skill Acquisition Quests
  • Learn to drive - I have failed my driving test more than I can to admit.
  • Learn to play Golf again.
Personal Quests
  • Buy a house and make it a home.
  • Marry my partner.

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