Data Science: my first few hours

Currently I am studying a course in AI and Data Science via the Summer University at Teeside University.

The first three lectures out of eight have been enlightening. Each session has been an hour of theory and knowledge and 2 hours of practical work.

I must admit that so far the theory is a lot easier than then practical. However, the practical is a real step up in dealing with programming and computers than I have ever done before. 

This learning curve is steep, but it is not in surmountable. R Studio is a the program that we have been working upon and it is great considering it is free to the public. Not that your average person wants to a Data Science boffin.

Not sure I do, however, the challenge of learning a new subject area has been a superb way of clearing the mental cobwebs after the lacklustre mental stimulation of lockdown.

Top 10 things I have learned so far:

  1. AI research has been around since the 1940's, but started to make real headway in the 1980's and took off after 2000.
  2. Maths, economics, psychology, neurology and systems theory have all played there part in the development of the field of study.
  3. Big Data, is massive! So big I cannot describe it.
  4. AI and intelligent agents are already shaping our world from Facebooks newsfeed to Amazon recommended products a large percentage of the world population is coming into contact with them daily.
  5. Data Science is the over arching subject matter that includes Data Science, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Data Mining, Big Data and Machine Learning.
  6. Data Analysis can be broken down into Descriptive Analysis, Diagnostic Analysis, Prescriptive Analysis, Predictive Analysis.
  7. Data Analytics is Data Analysis done via large amounts automation and data mining to produce results.
  8. Machine learning is teaching an AI or computer program on previous data so it can undergone future automated tasks.
  9. An AI needs to Think Humanly, Act Humanly, Act Rationally, Think Rationally.
  10. There is no one definition of AI.

So far the course has been stimulating and enjoyable. Soon I will start to put out some blog posts on so deeper subject matter.

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My First eBay Sale -

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