My First Foray into AI, Data Science & E-Learning

Until Monday night I was an e-learning virgin (que clip from Kevin & Perry go large where everyone in the shopping centre chants "virgin, VIRGIN). 

Of course I have watched You Tube videos to learn how to do stuff before, but only in a very ad-hoc kind of way. The course which I have the pleasure of studying is from Teesside University on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. It is a short Summer University course that lasts four weeks and is held two evenings a week.

This was a new experience that was totally out of my comfort zone and being me I had IT issues that made sure I missed the first hour of the course. My IT issues being of course that I forgot the start time.

Anyway, after those issues I came in late. Luckily the brilliant people have recorded the sessions so I was able to rewatch the lecture. What I would have given to have that ability when I was doing my undergraduate degree. 

In the lectures we had a 101 of what AI and Data Science is and was introduced to a piece of software called R and R Studio. In future blog posts I will come up with an overview of the subject matter.

Overall for the princely sum of £50, this has been a good invest so far. Cannot wait for the next session.

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Please note that I have written these books that you might find interesting:

Recruitment Hacks -

Political Careers -

My First eBay Sale -

** Training Courses**

We have created an Udemy course on making your first eBay sale -

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