You should take a proper lunch

So, did you take a proper lunch break today? Yesterday? Anytime in the last week? The depressing thing is that most people who work in offices in the 21st century just do not take time for lunch. It is a very sad indictment on the way we work and live. In Britain, according to the Telegraph newspaper, the average worker takes only a 34-minute lunch break, and for many, those 34 minutes are just scrolling through Facebook while eating at their desk.

Compare that with the Germans (who are by far more productive per hour than the average British worker) where an hour and a half is not unheard of, many employers still have a canteen where people actually sit down to eat together. That beats cat videos on Facebook.

Personally, I did the same until the power and miracle of a lunch hour were shown to me. Once I started working for myself and started taking lunch breaks (thanks to my partner making me) everything changed when it came down to the lunch hour. So what are the benefits of taking a lunch break away from your desk?

Social interaction with colleagues build bonds that help in the day-to-day team working of the business. It de-stresses and gives perspective by getting your mind on other things. Allowing your subconscious to do the rest. It is suitable for health - getting out of the office or going for a walk instead of sitting is right for you and will promote well being.

It invigorates your working as you are fresher for the afternoon. No carb crash - as you are not checking in a Boots meal deal into you month as quickly as possible before getting back to the phone you will not get the mid-afternoon carb crash as you will have eaten mindfully, slowly and probably less. So when it is your next lunch break, take it.   


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