What I learned watching a webinar on Dropshipping

The other day I watched a webinar on dropshipping from AliExpress to eBay that was hosted by Zik Analytics a tool that can help you do research on Ali Express and eBay.

I have tested their tool and it was very useful. After testing the tool I thought that I would take a look at their webinar on dropshippping. Strange I know, however I was using the tool for eBay only research which I have to say was a very good tool for. More on that another day.

Anyway, I took notes throughout and have put the link to the webinar on YouTube if you fancy watching it yourself.

Webinar Notes

Zik Analytics – Webinar for Drop shipping from Ali Express – finding products to sell.

Dropshipping Mindset 

  1. Get ready to get dirty – use advice and information given.
  2. Use your senses – follow your senses.
  3. Integrity – act with integrity in business, follow up and follow through to build trust.
  4. Consistency – act every day. 

Principle 1 – we are all traders. 

Oldest principle in trading is supply and demand. Look for high demand and low supply niches. 

Principle 2 – Tasmanian devil. 

  • Activity, Activity, Activity. 
  • eBay is the shopping mall (centre) owner.
  • List consistency.
  • Customer service quickly.

 Cassini is just a robot, and we are humans. What elements affect Cassini the most? 

  • Relevancy – this affects eBay the most.
  • Uniqueness of selling price – low better.
  • The products that sell well.
  • Optimise photos for engagement.
  • Winning title.
  • Seller Performance
  • Shipping policy.
  • Returns policy.
  • Defect, rate, seller rate & Late shipment rate.

 How does the title work?

  •  Title as traffic source.
  • Long tail key words matter.
  • Keep the most relevant keywords at the start.
  • Keep the title relevant.
  • Title as a convincing factor helping convert sales. 

Product Research on Ali Express

  •  Step 1 – Follow other drop shippers.
  • Step 2 – Product Research – Competition and Completion rate.
  • Step 3 – Niche Research – finding other opportunities.

 Find products, Research Niche, Find New Opportunities.

  • How to tell a drop shipper is good
  • Feedback.
  • Quality of adverts.
  • Number of items.
  • Sales.
  • Profitability.

 How to search for Other drop shippers on Zik Analytics

  •  In the search bar, choose Ali Express and then search your niche.
  • Then you go down to the products and click on those the products and then search the products that are in eBay and are drop shipping on eBay.
  • Can see feedback, sales, price, locations and photos etc.
  • Chinese sellers are retailers or producers.
  • Using the Zik tools you can find good sellers, so you can use that information to find good products and Niches.
  • This is sniping products.

Product Research – Competition and Success Rate

 Must have: 

  1. No more than 15 competitors
  2. Have better price than competitors.
  3. Demand level above 100%
  4. Success rate of at least 30%.
  5. At least 4 sales a month. 

When improving the listing we want to improve two at least two factors.

 Niche Research 

Niche Research is like an art! But Statistics are more important. 

  1. Generic Items – not branded.
  2. Preferably $30 items (or more).
  3. Demand Level (sell through rate) of at least 500%.
  4. Success rate of 60%. 

Questions to ask for niche research 

What are you selling? – We are selling information, we are bring the person and company together. 

Ask questions all the items. 

Avoid brands at all costs!! 

A good sign is beginners getting a competitive price. 

Sellers on Ali Express for more than 8 months. 

 ** Published Books **

Thank you for reading this article.

Please note that I have written these books that you might find interesting:

Recruitment Hacks - https://amzn.to/3uPdhhn

Political Careers - https://amzn.to/3fS1Cdw

My First eBay Sale - https://amzn.to/3z1S0nW



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