These five podcasts are my 'must' listen whilst working from home

Podcasts for Homeworkers

I am a massive fan of podcasts, whether it be history, business, economics or politics. Podcasts are my radio - sorry BBC Radio 4. Podcasts are all the rage these days. It seems every man and his dog have started a podcast and most do not make it past episode ten.

Now as a home worker you are going to get the chance to listen to a lot of podcasts so make sure that you choose a podcast that makes life better!

Below are my five recommendations for podcasts that will make you a better homeworker and hopefully you will enjoy them as well.

The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss aka the Four Hour Work Week guy is the podcast that got me into podcasts. My favourite episode is still the episode with the Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger. This podcast covers so much great stuff it is hard to cram into all into one sentence. So I will start a new paragraph.

Tim interviews a range of people who are at the top or near the top of their game. There have been Wall Street investors like Ray Dalio, through to experts in psychedelics (how Silicon Vally) through to actors, comedians, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Everyone is a real leader, visionary or highly accomplished professionals in their niche.

My suggestion is that you start at the beginning and follow the journey as it is a great podcast.

The Tim Ferris Show  👉

Noah Kagan Presents

Noah Kagan is the man behind AppSumo a marketplace for apps and was the 30th employee at Facebook (he got fired). Like the Tim Ferris show Noah Kagan interviews some pretty interesting people, however, his show has people who are very successful, but not market leaders.

This is better in many ways as it can present a great roadmap to how you too can, for example, become a YouTuber with a million subscribers or grow a Twitter following to 100,000 this is the place for you.

Incidentally, Noah was the first person on the Tim Ferris Show.

Noah Kagan Presents 👉 

The Intelligence from the Economist

Now I am a self-confessed news junkie - politics was and is my first love - so The Intelligence from the Economist is one of my favourites ways of reducing my news fix, whilst keeping up with the news that matters, from possibly the best media outlet in the world.

The Economist is easily the most balanced, and informative news organisation in the world. It has a wide range of podcasts, this, however, is the best one for my needs.

The Intelligence 👉

Business Wars by Wondery

Business Wars is a funny podcast as it somehow bridges the gap between historical drama and business podcasts. In each series, it focuses on various battles between companies for dominance in an specific industry.

From the Coffee Wars between Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts to the battle to decide who would dominate the console wars to the strange and interesting tale of Tetris, it really does have a wonderful range of stories that share business insights in an entertaining and light manner, that does not trivialise the story behind the story

Business Wars 👉

Hospital Records Podcast

Last, but in no way least is the Hostpial Records Podcast. Hospital Records is the premier liquid and smooth drum and bass records label on the planet and the show is hosted by none other than London Elctricity.

This is music to work to that will keep you motivated and ready to rumble all day long. 

Hospital Records Podcast 👉

Final Thoughts

I love podcasts, so please feel free to send me your suggestions for podcasts to as I love discovering new podcasts.

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