If you're looking for an email address, this one website can help

Find (almost) any email address with Hunter.io

Tracking down emails whilst researching prospects and candidates can be a time-consuming process and sometimes all you can do is really just guess. We have all done this guessing game and it is a pain. Hunter.io solves this problem.

Hunter.io is a Chrome extension and a website that searches and stores emails from across the internet for almost every and any company. The joy of Hunter is that if it finds an email, it tells you the source, plus, also recommends possible formats for those it does not have.

You can use a Hunter as a bog standard webpage. Where it really comes into its own is the Chrome extension.

If you are on joebloggsaccountants.com and want to find email addresses, click on the Hunter icon and it will bring up all the emails found associated with this web address. Like lightning, it is there. Brilliant, simple, effective.

You can find Hunter at https://hunter.io/

Thank you for reading this article.

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